Raspberry Pi Pico’s are a great microcontroller that has a fair amount of range, despite the slightly more tricky set up process, once it’s ready to go there’s a lot you can do.Read now
Raspberry Pi Troubleshooting
Read nowMany of us will have the experience of putting together a build only to have nothing happen. It’s confusing and frustrating even when you are trying to keep your mind open and learn as you go. Every mistake is a...
An introduction to soldering
Soldering is a good skill to learn and improve throughout your making and DIY-ing, there’s quite a few situations where it will be the best option for a more permanent build.Read now -
Why Adafruit Makes Great Beginner Boards for Teachers
Adafruit is a company that produces maker electronics boards. Learn why Adafruit boards are great for teachers to use for beginner electronics concepts.Read now -
Understanding the Differences Between Micro:Bit and Arduino
The micro:bit and Arduino are two microcontroller products that are popular in the maker electronics community. Understand the differences between them here.Read now -
Arduino: What It Is and What You Can Do With It
Read nowTo make electronics projects, you can use all kinds of materials and parts. However, the more complex your creation’s needs become, the more difficult it can become for you to successfully create all the components by yourself. You might not...
How To Use Raspberry Pi To Build a Retro Gaming Console
Using Raspberry Pi to make a gaming system is a popular project. We give you the steps to follow in order to turn your Raspberry Pi into a retro gaming console.Read now -
Tips for Teaching Kids How To Build Electronics
Creating electronics is a hobby that can be both fun and useful for children of all ages. These are tips for teaching kids how to build electronics.Read now -
Top Accessories for the Micro:Bit
The BBC micro:bit is a computer board that you can use for a plethora of electronics projects. These are a few of the top accessories you may utilize with it.Read now