How to spend $1,500 on Raspberry Pi's for a school
We recently had a customer in the Midwest approach us to ask for suggestions on how to spend $1,500 in grant money on Raspberry Pi systems. They are setting up a lab class for high school students, and they realized that the Raspberry Pi is the perfect platform for computer exploration and education.
Here is what we are recommending to them:
- 8x of our Raspberry Pi educational kits. These have everything you need to get started with programming, and they even include a breadboard and jumper wires. With Wifi, these will run $109.99/ea.
- 4x Adafruit 7 segment displays. Perfect for building a clock or displaying any numeric information, only $9.99 /ea
- 4x of our Waterproof Temperature Sensors at $9.99/ea. Here's a fun project for displaying temperature and time on the Pi.
- 4x Raspberry Pi cameras and mounting brackets
- 2x GPS module plus External Antenna at $56.95/ea
- 4x motion sensors at $9.95/ea
- 1x Raspberry Pi starter pack at $69.95. These are nice kits because they include extra bits and LED's so students can make up their own projects.
- 8x of our high quality USB hubs in case they want to add anything to their Pi's
- 8x HDMI to DVI cables to connect the Pi's to their monitors
All of that comes to just over $1,500. Naturally shipping would be free, and we would probably throw in a few other goodies. We would also include more recommended projects, and complementary support to get everything going. We would also configure their Raspberry Pi's so they would be ready to do any of the above projects.
We hope to hear from more educators soon!
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