Enviro pHAT packs 4 different sensors, letting you measure temperature, pressure, light level, colour, 3-axis motion, compass heading, and analog inputs. That's up to 10 different variables!
It's ideal for monitoring conditions in your house, garage, or galleon. Set up a web server with Flask and remotely monitor everything from anywhere.
Combining Enviro pHAT with our other HATs and pHATs gives almost endless possibilities: display sensor values on a Unicorn HAT, use Display-O-Tron HAT to display sensor data, and much, much more.
The MagPi gave Enviro pHAT five stars and called it a "fun, easy-to-use add-on with plenty of possibilities".
- BMP280 temperature/pressure sensor
- TCS3472 light and RGB colour sensor
- Two LEDs for illumination
- LSM303D accelerometer/magnetometer sensor
- ADS1015 4-channel 3.3v, analog to digital sensor (ADC)
- Enviro pHAT pinout
- Compatible with Raspberry Pi 3B+, 3, 2, B+, A+, Zero, and Zero W
- Python library
- Female header and ADC male header require soldering
Pimoroni put together a comprehensive Python library to make using Enviro pHAT really simple, as well as examples of motion detection and temperature threshold triggering.
Pimoroni's software does not support Raspbian Wheezy, but don't worry, newer versions of Raspbian like Jessie are supported